Saturday, January 23, 2010
It is hard for me to remember places without you. These places belonged to me first, but I shared them with you and it is hard to not feel that they are tainted. I gave you the Brooklyn Bridge, which used to be mine. I took you there and held your hand and now it is hard for me to remember that it used to be mine. I gave you myself and now it is hard for me to feel whole again and I hate that. I was a whole person and I thought that I would be whole again without you, but there is a little piece of me that is still yours. I think you must give yourself to others easily, because you have found so many other people to give yourself to in this short time. I still find it hard to believe it has been five months since we gave up our life together. My dreams make it feel like it was last week. I felt like I had lost myself with you, but now I feel like I can never get that piece of myself back and I am scared you are giving that piece of me to other people. I don't want to give myself to anyone else because I can't deal with losing more pieces and places.